
OBIEE 12c - Download and Upload of RPD

In OBIEE 12c it is no longer possible to upload an RPD from Enterprise Manager.  OBIEE 12c has moved away from EM to script based utilities.

This post is to highlight the command line utilities for downloading and uploading RPD.

RPD Download

The utility, datamodel.sh,  to initiate the RPD download is available at the location :

DOMAIN_HOME =>  /u01/app/mwhome/user_projects/domains/bi

Before downloading the RPD make sure that the OBI 12c system is up and running.

From the target Directory, run the below command:

$DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/datamodel.sh downloadrpd -O <repository to download> [-W < RPD Password >] -SI < Service Instance name > -U < FMW Admin User > [-P < FMW Admin Passowrd >] [-S < Host > ] [ -N < Port > ] [-SSL] [-Y]

Example:  $DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/datamodel.sh downloadrpd -O sampleappliete.rpd -W Admin123 -SI ssi -U weblogic -P admin123 -Y

The parameters [-S < Host > ] [ -N < Port >   are required when downloading the RPD from Client Installation.

RPD Upload

From the target Directory, run the below command:

$DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/datamodel.sh uploadrpd -I <repository to upload> [-W < RPD Password >] -SI < Service Instance name > -U < FMW Admin User > [-P < FMW Admin Passowrd >] [-S < Host > ] [ -N < Port > ] [-SSL] [-Y]

Example:  $DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/datamodel.sh uploadrpd -I sampleappliete.rpd -W Admin123 -SI ssi -U weblogic -P admin123

1 comment:

  1. Really nice post. provided a helpful information. I hope that you will post more updates like this
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