
OBIEE 11g - Adding Users using WLST script

Adding Users - using WLST script

There might be situations where we may have to create new users to OBIEE 11g environment.

If is a small list it can be achieved from FMW Console and we all know that how painful it will be if we have a long list of users to be created.

This situation might arise - if the OBIEE 11g security is configured to use the default WLS LDAP OR if your corporate LDAP has missing users.

Rather than creating the users from FMW console, a WLST script can be used to achieve the same and in much easier way.

The below is the script -

There are two parts to this script - a shell part and jython part which is called from the shell script.

Shell Script -

# Script to create users in to Weblogic domain #################################################
# Mahesh - 11/08/2012 - Createad # Usage - Called from Command Prompt
# Parameter 1 - Weblogic Password
# Parameter 2 - FMW EM URL
# Parameter 3 - User ID for which the groups to be listed

touch '/xx/oracle/data/create_ea_users_env.log' cd $MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/bin . ./setWLSEnv.sh java -Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=DemoTrust weblogic.WLST /app/oracle/data/create_ea_users_env.py $1 $2 $3

Jython Script -

# Script to create users in to Weblogic domain
# Mahesh - 11/08/2012 - Createad
# Usage - Called from the script create_ea_users_pta2.sh

import sys
import datetime

sys.stdout = open('/app/oracle/data/create_ea_users_pta2.log','w+')

# declare env variables

adminUser = 'weblogic'
adminPassword = sys.argv[1]
adminURL = sys.argv[2]
userID = sys.argv[3]

now = datetime.datetime.now()
print 'Current date and time is :' print str(now)

print 'Admin User:',adminUser
print 'Admin Password:',adminPassword
print 'Admin URL:',adminURL

# connect to weblogic admin server

connect(adminUser, adminPassword, adminURL)



description = 'Adhoc User'

password = 'Password1'

print 'creating users '

users = ['A523887','User1','User3','bobharris','tomhill']

for user in users:

print 'create user: ', user

atnr.createUser(user, password, description)

print 'End of Script'

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mahesh,

    Nice post... But small requirement. I have a file consists of list of users. I have to pick the file and create users..That means in the place of "users = ['A523887','User1','User3','bobharris','tomhill']" can i specify the file path?? will that work?? any alternative??



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